

Updated : 2017-11-23


Railway Station:

Shaoxing Railway Station and North Shaoxing Station

Long-Distance Bus Stations:

Shaoxing Coach Center, New Shaoxing West Station, Shaoxing East Station, New Keqiao Coach Center and Shaoxing Speed Train Station Coach Center

Public bus:

At present there are a total of 118 bus routes in Shaoxing, including one student route, one speed transportation route and three BRT routes, covering the entire city and parts of the nearby towns and counties.


Railway Station:

Huzhou Railway Station

Long-Distance Bus Stations:

High Speed Railway Station Coach Center and East Green Coach Center

Public bus: 

The public transportation in Huzhou is well developed. As well as the bus lines traveling throughout the city, there are also intercity lines to Deqing County, Anji County, Nanxun County, Changxing County and rural bus lines.

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