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Light of the Internet Expo to open to the public

(ezhejiang.gov.cn) Updated : 2016-10-28

The Light of the Internet Expo, an exhibition showcasing the world's most exciting and groundbreaking new Internet technologies, will return to Wuzhen, Zhejiang province for a second time during the 3rd World Internet Conference.

This year's expo will be based in Wuzhen's state-of-the-art new Internet International Convention Center and will be open to the public from the afternoon of Nov 15 to the morning of Nov 19.

Covering a total area of 21,000 square meters, the expo will feature areas devoted to developmental concepts, innovation and entrepreneurship, new achievements, comprehensive displays and themed pavilions.

More than 300 enterprises from around the world will display their latest Internet technologies and products, showing how their newest innovations are transforming our economy, culture, society and the environment.

There will also be more than 120 activities running alongside the expo, including launches for new technologies and products.

Internet companies from China and abroad will be able to attend events focusing on investment and financing, service agencies and startups, project match-making and more during the expo too.

The expo will be divided into eight half-day sessions, and anyone wishing to attend can apply for individual or group tickets for one of the sessions via the conference's official website (www.wicwuzhen.cn). The deadline for applications is Oct 28.