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China tech grabs limelight as internet expo opens in Wuzhen

(ezhejiang.gov.cn) Updated : 2017-12-02


Smart devices provide instant interpretation services with the highest accuracy at the Light of Internet Expo in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province on Dec 2. [Photo by Xiang Wenjian/chinadaily.com.cn]

Smaller in stature but no less impressive in ambition, is the XiaoYi interpretation device developed by iFlyteck, a Hefei-based State-owned software enterprise dedicated to the research of intelligent speech and language technologies.

The futuristic device makes real-time translation and interpretation a reality. Speak English into it and it will instantly interpret what you've said into many languages including Chinese, Spanish, Korean or Japanese and vice versa.

With the WIC set to start officially tomorrow with forums and summits led by industry leaders such as Tencent founder Pony Ma, this is just the tip of the technology iceberg to come over the next three days.

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