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Exploring Song Dynasty: The Mansion of Tang Yi

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: October 14, 2022 L M S

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The Mansion of Tang Yi in Shaoxing. [Photo/Ling Guoliang for WeChat account: gh_522090b98251]

The Mansion of Tang Yi is located near the Xiegong Bridge in the Xixiaolu Historic Block in Shaoxing, East China's Zhejiang province.

The mansion used to be owned by Tang Yi, a scholar and government official of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).

According to local chronicles, Tang started writing articles at the age of 13 and excelled at the imperial examination, or keju. His efforts in tackling the challenges caused by a drought earned him a good reputation among civilians and government figures.

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The Mansion of Tang Yi in Shaoxing. [Photo/Ling Guoliang for WeChat account: gh_522090b98251]

In 1130, the mansion was requisitioned by the imperial government as a residence for Xie Kejia, a power chancellor.

That same year, Lou Yinliang, an important political advisor who changed emperor Zhao Gou's idea on successor to his crown, also stayed in the mansion during his visit to Shaoxing.