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Wenzhou opens passenger flight to Indonesia

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 12, 2023


The passenger flight from Wenzhou for Jakarta, Indonesia parks at the international airport in Longwan district, Wenzhou on Jan 9. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

Wenzhou opened a new international passenger flight to Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, on Jan 9, local media outlets reported.

The route is expected to sharpen the city's edge as an international aviation hub.

Deny Wachyudi Kurnia, consul-general of Indonesia in Shanghai, attended the launch ceremony.

"Indonesia, the world's largest archipelagic country, is home to both tourist resorts and cosmopolises, while Wenzhou is a city of innovation and entrepreneurship in China. The new passenger flight demonstrates the importance of the two sides and will further promote economic and trade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. Tourists, entrepreneurs and students are encouraged to travel between Indonesia and China," said the consul-general.

Wenzhou in recent years has been beefing up efforts to develop into an international aviation hub in the region. Since last year, it has opened six international cargo flights to Los Angeles, Milan, Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul and Manila, and four passenger flights to Milan, Rome, Jakarta and Phnom Penh.

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