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Wenzhou Taoshan sugarcane ventures into S. Korea

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: April 3, 2024


Officials inspect Taoshan sugarcane. [Photo/66wz.com]

Wenzhou Customs announced the export of 500 kilograms of Taoshan sugarcane to the South Korean market on April 2, marking Zhejiang province's maiden export of sugarcane.

Taoshan town in Rui'an is renowned for its rich sugarcane heritage, tracing back over 1,500 years to the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-581). The local green-skinned sugarcane, also known as Taoshan fruit cane, boasts thin skin, a crisp texture, abundant juice, and a sweet, refreshing taste, earning it a spot in the national directory of premium new agricultural products.

With a sugarcane planting area of 4,500 mu (300 hectares), 22 sugarcane professional cooperatives, and over 60 processing and sales enterprises, Taoshan town generates an annual output value exceeding 100 million yuan ($13.82 million). Notably, Taoshan sugarcane obtained a geographical indication trademark registration from the National Intellectual Property Administration in November last year.

The journey to South Korea began when a Korean customer, impressed by the taste of Taoshan sugarcane he had purchased online, expressed interest in introducing it to his homeland.

Upon receiving the order in January, the Fanfeng Agricultural Professional Cooperative in Rui'an initiated inquiries about export procedures. With the support of Wenzhou Customs and the Taoshan government, they ensured compliance with export regulations and enhanced safety and hygiene standards. The customer's visit to the sugarcane planting base and packaging factory further instilled confidence in the product's prospects in the South Korean market.

Moving forward, Wenzhou Customs remains committed to facilitating the global expansion of more high-quality agricultural products through comprehensive service and support.

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